Sina May 9 released the first quarter of 2006, the unaudited financial statements, total revenue 46.7 million U.S. dollars; the same period the total revenue of 66.1 million U.S. dollars NetEase, TOM 4858 million, while Baidu's rapid growth as the industry praise highly. Frequent CEO turnover, weak growth performance, and the spread of the acquired information from time to time, it all seems to indicate that Sina "overweening" era upstarts in the attack of old friends drift away.
Risk Investment Sina big as the first site in Chinese
Sina Sina predecessor company was founded in late 1998, the SRS Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Hua Fang Yuan IT company merger. Among them, the four-way share 60% of the total profit side, SinaNet 40% of total shares. Lee Stone Chinese side is a professional software product development, sales and service joint venture company, by the Stone Group, "Chinese Star" inventor Wang Zhidong, and CCDOS inventor Yan Yuanchao was co-founded in December 1993.
Stone Libya in September 1997 successfully introduced three of Walden International Investment Group and other international high-tech venture capital firm, the implementation of international transformation, is the first to introduce risk investment mechanism and management of software companies in Silicon Valley. The introduction of venture capital, not only for the SINA provides the funds needed for development, but also introduced international advanced management concepts, Sina bigger brand for the future foundation, but also the dispersion of equity for the future foreshadowed.
Sina News of the success of the original sports Sharon Stone Libya site moderator, vice president of Sina, editor in chief Chen Tong inseparable. Early, Chen Tong recognized the Internet as a communication platform for sporting events, and other traditional media, compared with time-sensitive features. World Cup 1997 Top 10 race in Asia, Chen Tong through various means, to establish contacts with users in all arenas, through the various competitions around the correspondents to gather information, create a precedent for the webcast, so the number of visits increased substantially in the short term, the establishment of China's first soccer website status. In addition, the editorial team of some of Sina from the "China Youth Daily" and other traditional media, news sensitivities. Advantage team under the leadership of a high-quality news Sina important reason for success.
Sina's World Cup in France in 1998 to report on the blockbuster. After the Sina news center in the Kosovo war, the Taiwan earthquake, China's accession to WTO, the Sydney Olympic Games, "911" and other major events of the reports was a great success, firmly established in the global Chinese website Sina's powerful advantage.
The Sina Sina news by virtue of the strong sentiment to gather together, in one fell swoop became the first Chinese portal site, and successfully into the economy of this attention tremendous business value. First quarter of 2006, SINA net revenue 46.7 million U.S. dollars, of which advertising revenue 22.2 million U.S. dollars, net profit of seven million U.S. dollars, net profit margin as high as 15% on corporate accounts is to have 300 million U.S. dollars more in cash.
CEO for five years developing embarrassed
Sina CEO is not known from the 1999 sand Masaharu beginning to surgery, specializing in Lots of good dance Mao Daolin capital, prime retreat of Wang Yan, the financial background of Charles Chao, has been replaced within a short span of seven years had five. Meanwhile, the same dramatic change in the board of directors.瀵逛簬涓?釜骞存敹鍏ョ害涓や嚎缇庡厓鐨勪笂甯傚叕鍙革紝濡傛棰戠箒鐨勯珮绠″彉鍔紝浼间箮涓嶈兘瀹屽叏鐢ㄤ簰鑱旂綉鍙樺够鑾祴銆佽涓氱壒鎬х悍绻佸鏉傛潵瑙i噴锛屾洿涓嶈濡傛柊娴懀浜嬮暱娈垫案鍩烘墍瑷??杩欏緢姝e父鈥濄?
銆?浠籆EO鐜嬪織涓滅殑杈炶亴涓昏鏄洜涓猴細鍏徃鑲′环鎸佺画璧颁綆锛屼笌钁d簨浼氭矡閫氫笉鐣咃紝钁d簨浼氬煁鎬ㄧ帇蹇椾笢鎷夸笉鍑轰竴涓叿浣撶殑鍙墽琛岀殑璧㈠埄鏂规锛屼粠鑰屽鑷翠簡鐜嬪織涓滅殑绂诲紑銆備絾鏄紝鍊煎緱涓?彁鐨勬槸2000骞磋嚦2001骞达紝姝f槸涓浗浜掕仈缃戣涓氭场娌牬鐏湡锛屾暣涓涓氳偂浠峰浜庤蛋浣庣姸鎬併?鍏徃鑲′环鐨勬寔缁蛋浣庯紝骞朵笉鏄釜浣撴墍鑳介樆鎸$殑銆?br />
銆??鑰岀浜屼换CEO鑼呴亾涓寸鑱屽悓鏍锋槸涓氱哗娆犱匠锛氬湪鏂板叴涓氬姟涓婏紝鐢典俊澧炲?涓庡湪绾挎父鎴忥紝鏂版氮璧锋閮芥槸鏈?櫄鐨勶紝瀵艰嚧鏂版氮娌¤兘鍦ㄨ繖涓ゆ柟闈㈡湁鎵?缓鏍戯紱濮滀赴骞存浘褰撶潃鑼呴亾涓寸殑闈㈡嬁璧风數璇濓紝涓?釜涓?釜鍚戠鐞嗗眰寰佽鎰忚鏃讹紝闄や簡鎶?湳鎬荤洃涓ユ彺鏈濇病鏈夎〃鎬佸锛屽嚑涔庢墍鏈夌殑绠$悊灞傞兘鍋氬嚭浜嗏?鍊掕寘鈥濈殑琛ㄧず銆傛渶鍚庯紝钁d簨浼氫互鍥涚エ瀵逛笁绁ㄢ?鍚屾剰鈥濅簡鑼呴亾鏋楄緸鑱岀殑鍐冲畾銆?br />
銆??鑷充簬姹欢鐨勭洓骞撮殣閫?紝涓昏褰掔粨浜庝笉鏂鏀惰喘鐨勪紶闂诲拰涓氬姟涓嬫粦銆傝?鏂版氮2006骞翠竴瀛e害璐㈡姤鏄剧ず锛屽埄娑﹀悓姣斾笅璺?2%鐨勪簨瀹烇紝涔熶娇姹欢鐨勭寮?灏戝甫鏈変竴浜涒?寮曞拵鈥濈殑鎰忓懗銆?br />
銆?垬鐣ユ憞鎽嗕笉瀹?澶氬厓鍖栫瓥鐣ュ薄灞″彈鎸?br />
銆??CEO鐨勫彉鏇存墍瀵艰嚧鐨勪竴涓壇浜у搧锛屾槸鏂版氮鎴樼暐鐨勬憞鎽嗕笉瀹氥?鍥為【鏂版氮鐨勫彂灞曞彶锛氱帇蹇椾笢浣滀负鏂版氮鍓嶈韩鍥涢?鍒╂柟鍏徃鐨勫垱濮嬩汉銆佸叕鍙稿彂灞曞垵鏈熷綋瀹朵骇鍝佺殑鍙戞槑浜猴紝鍏跺彂灞曟垬鐣ヤ腑甯︽湁鏄庢樉鐨勬妧鏈鍚戙?鐒惰?锛岄殢鐫?帇蹇椾笢鐨勫嚭灞?紝鏂版氮閭d釜鎶?湳鑷充笂鐨勫勾浠d篃闅忎箣杩滃幓銆?br />
銆??闅忓悗锛屾柊娴倓鎮勬壄杞簡鏂瑰悜锛岃浆鍚戜紒涓氭湇鍔″钩鍙伴鍩熴?2002骞?鏈?5鏃ワ紝鏂版氮瀹e竷杩涘叆浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栨湇鍔¢鍩熴?鍚屽勾4鏈?鏃ワ紝鑼呴亾涓村湪缇庡浗瀹e竷浜嗘柊娴湭鏉ョ殑鍙戝睍鏂瑰悜銆傛柊娴綉鏇村悕涓烘柊娴紝涓嬭緰鏂版氮缃戯紙SINA.com锛夈?鏂版氮浼佷笟鏈嶅姟锛圫INA.net锛夈?鏂版氮鍦ㄧ嚎Sol锛?SINA Online锛夌瓑涓変釜鐙珛浜嬩笟浣撱?鍏朵腑锛屾柊娴綉鎻愪緵缃戠粶濯掍綋鍙婂ū涔愭湇鍔★紱鏂版氮浼佷笟鏈嶅姟鍒囧叆鏀垮簻銆佷紒涓氱殑鍏ㄩ潰鍖栫綉缁滄湇鍔¢鍩燂紝涓轰紒涓氭彁渚涘叏濂楃綉缁滆В鍐虫柟妗堬紱鏂版氮鐑嚎灏嗗湪绐勫甫銆佸甯︺?鏃犵嚎绛夐鍩燂紝鎺ㄥ嚭鏇村鍏ㄦ柊闈㈠悜缃戠粶鐢ㄦ埛鐨勫鍊间俊鎭湇鍔℃ā寮忋?
缃戞槗銆乀OM銆佺櫨搴︾殑鎴愬姛鏃犱笉寰楃泭浜庡涓?」涓氬姟鐨勪笓娉ㄤ笌鎴樼暐鐨勭ǔ瀹氥?缃戞槗鑷?003骞村皢鑷繁瀹氫綅涓衡?涓浗棰嗗厛鐨勪簰鑱旂綉鎶?湳銆佸湪绾挎父鎴忓拰鏃犵嚎澧炲?涓氬姟鎻愪緵鍟嗏?浠ユ潵锛屾棤绾垮鍊间竴鐩存槸缃戞槗閲嶈鐨勬敹鍏ユ潵婧愩?浣嗘槸浠?005骞寸涓夊搴﹀紑濮嬶紝缃戞槗璐㈡姤涓殑鍏徃瀹氫綅鍘绘帀浜嗏?鏃犵嚎澧炲?鈥濓紝鏀逛负鈥滀腑鍥介鍏堢殑浜掕仈缃戞妧鏈?鍦ㄧ嚎娓告垙鏈嶅姟鎻愪緵鍟嗏?銆傝繖鏍囧織鐫?綉鏄撴寮忓壊鑸嶆棤绾夸笟鍔★紝涓撴敞浜庢父鎴忋?绀惧尯銆傚浠婏紝缃戞槗80%鐨勬敹鍏ユ潵婧愪簬鍦ㄧ嚎娓告垙銆?br />
銆??浼撮殢鐫?珮绠″彉鍔ㄥ拰涓氱哗涓嶆尟锛屾柊娴偂涓滅粨鏋勪篃棰戦鍙戠敓闇囪崱銆傚厛鏄洓澶?005骞?鏈?9鏃ュ嚭鍏朵笉鎰忓湴瀹炴柦鏀惰喘锛屽皢19.5%鐨勮偂鏉冪撼鍏ュ泭涓紝涔嬪悗鏉ユ剰涓嶆槑鐨勫痉鍥戒汉Michael J.G. Gleissner涔颁笅浜?.4%鐨勮偂鏉冿紝鑰屽勾鍚庝笌TOM.com鐨勫悎骞朵篃鐢氬殻灏樹笂銆?br />
銆??杩欐牱锛岀敱浜庢柊娴懀浜嬩細澶ц偂涓滈暱鏈熺己浣嶏紝涔熶娇寰楀叕鍙歌偂涓滅殑鍒╃泭鏃犳硶寰楀埌鏈夋晥淇濋殰銆備簬鏄紝鏄旀棩鐨勪腑鏂囩涓?獟浣撳湪缁忚繃涓冨勾鐨勬礂绀煎悗锛岃蛋杩囨様鏃ョ殑鑽h?鍜岃緣鐓岋紝鎷栫潃鏃犻檺鐣欐亱鐨勮剼姝ヨ蛋鍚戦化鐒剁殑鍓嶆柟銆?br />
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