Saturday, September 25, 2010

Zack Rusin interviewed the beauty and magic of KDE

This year's KDE World Summit (KDE World Summit, more well-known name is aKademy) at the University of Malaga in Spain, the conference is the most anticipated KDE developer Zack Rusin fascinating presentation "Beauty and Magic for KDE developers . " He has long been the main KDE developer, recently admitted to the Qt graphical user interface library of developer Trolltech, employ full-time developers. With the deepening of the meeting, participants heard more and more Zack will demonstrate the amazing visual effects. So a lot of the audience crowded in a lecture theater, the wait for this exciting presentation. But they are disappointed that speech to be delayed due to technical problems two days, we are anxious heart itching. Finally solved the problem, Zack made a whirlwind presentation on Unix / Linux graphical development status and future direction.

Zack during the meeting accepted the KDE organization's "comrades in arms with the trenches" Daniel Molkentin interview, detailing his KDE development.

1) Please briefly introduce myself.

Today, I and a friend whom I respect a conversation, he said I unique is that things can not become a reality. This is what I heard the most flattering words. So my self-description is: I can not let things become a real person.

2) Your company has recently entered the Trolltech, the concrete is done about it?

I Trolltech's job is to create something that others can only dream of. Of course, the main interest in computer graphics, but not limited to - research and development company has given me full freedom.

3) the contribution of your past What?

Main is a new acceleration architecture Render and Exa. Render is a new rendering model for X, it has a shadow, translucent, font anti-aliasing capabilities.

4) Exa in aKademy Assembly into focus, you can specifically tell us?

Exa is based on the KAA (Kdrive Acceleration Architecture, KDrive accelerating structure) of the simplified acceleration architecture. KDrive Keith Packard is a modular X server implementation, KAA KDrive can get. And before the old XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture, XFree86 acceleration architecture) different, Exa has been designed to speed up the XRender, it is small, simple, flexible, and allows X developers to create various special effects.

5) before and Exa graphics acceleration technology to accelerate XRender What's the difference?

XRender developed by Keith Packard's new rendering technology, before that X can only rely on very limited primitive. In order to catch up with development needs, now or in the client application, rendering, and not to use these primitives (they only had to render the image transmitted to the X server), or by XRender. Unfortunately, XAA is mainly used to accelerate those old and unused primitives. The Exa the new model-specific acceleration, will no longer bother the old primitive.

6) everyone can benefit from Exa it?

Yes. Of course the premise that their drivers to support Exa (We have transplanted most of the driver).

7) You use Xgl demonstrates an astounding results. Do you think Xgl have a future?

Yes, Xgl promising. This is our long-term solution. I'm still not finished Xegl because I have a lot of work. With OpenGV and some new plug-ins, OpenGL has become very attractive to all of our 2D solution to the problem.

8) Please tell us about Xgl and Xegl difference.

Xegl is an independent server, but need to run the Xgl X server to start (set the modeline option and processing input are the two most important aspects). They share the same graphics acceleration code, but Xgl the modeline and enter the settings to do the work to another X server, which provides the OpenGL graphics acceleration to determine Xegl test basis.

9) KDE's cube effect of more and more like Apple's OS X, is not inspired by OS X?

I want to clarify that cube effect designed by Dave Reveman, I do not want to claim credit. As for your question, my answer is: I hope not.

Optical design of special effects is easy, but easy to use yet beautiful design of special effects is difficult. Effect on the desktop design, the excellent design and poor design is but one step away, KDE 4's Plasma one of the biggest challenges is to weigh the tradeoff between the two.

If you just copy the design, we can not be the best. Innovation is not dead, Plasma is our answer. In KDE's history, designers, developers and usability experts together for the first time to conduct an organized development. Three teams working in parallel, so graphic design and usability will not be like other open source projects as well just have to wait until additional software design up. They are now the core of our development model components.

10) You work in to when they could be completed?

The new Render and Exa has entered the. The next step is Xgl, then Xegl. Until 7.0 is completed, we will start Xgl and Xegl project.

11) Since the X11 launch, has been a long time. Upcoming 7.0, in which aspects of the revolutionary?

It is the first modular version, so very special. Drivers and servers do not have to integrate, we will release the driver and server.

12) the user can get from the modular What are the benefits?

They do not have to go to upgrade when upgrading drivers the server. Driver upgrade independently. 7.0 will reduce the novice to the development of fear of X, users will experience a significant performance upgrade, which will attract many users to upgrade to 7.0.

13) To take full advantage of the new technology, Qt What adjustment do?

Qt for me is the driving force behind the scenes, while the applications and the desktop environment is the motivation to promote the development server. But the server itself is no fun at all, its only purpose is to meet the needs of desktop development. We have engaged in anti-this time around the relationship between the server hard at solving the problem, we are now back on track, innovation is our real work.

14) you, Qt, KDE, and Linux's future expectations?

I want people to bold innovation - afraid of surprise, fear can not do. We now have sufficiently advanced technology, and only the best ideas. Therefore, on the meaningful exchange and designers.

Obviously, vector graphics will gradually become popular. Qt will support the SVG 1.2 standard, and at different levels make use of this standard (including animation support). At present most of the SVG icon themes are developed with, but for performance reasons are converted to PNG format. This situation will soon change, since the image will not render SVG slower than the raster image rendering.

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